Welcome to PT Laser Teknologi Indonesia

Delivering Technology Solutions

IoT mining productivity solutions

Our IoT solutions can help mining companies reduce costs, improve safety and efficiency, increase production and make better decisions.

Are you looking to improve the efficiency and safety of your mining operations?

The use of connected sensors, devices, and equipment will improve efficiency, safety, and productivity in mining operations.

Examples of IoT solutions in mining can include:

Remote Monitoring and Control

Predictive Maintenance

Environmental Monitoring

Asset Tracking

Workforce Management

Vehicle and equipment automation

Real-time monitoring of production and logistics

iot mining

K-Mine Software

K-MINE is a software package for all stages of mining that solves problems from three-dimensional modeling of deposits through evaluation of their reserves to planning and managing of mining equipment.

K-MINE was recognized as an effective toolkit for solving engineering and scientific application tasks by engineers, land-surveyors, surveyors, geologists from Ukraine, Russia,Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. K-MINE already have more than 500 partners and have transferred more than 500 licenses.





Open Pit Design

Open Pit Design

Pit Optimize

Pit Optimize



Drill & Blast Design

Drill & Blast Design

Grain Size

Grain Size

Mining Monitoring

Mining Monitoring



Stability Analysis

Stability Analysis

Undergroud Design

Undergroud Design



Undergroud Dispatch

Undergroud Dispatch





K-MINE is integrated mining and operation software that fully compatible with all known mining software or device and supports data integration with other software.

With many years of field experience, K-MINE has full range of tasks covering the whole production cycle within one software product.

K-MINE offers economical price with flexible licensing system. K-MINE is adaptive with your conditions so you can custom-tailored approach and adaptation to your requirements.

Your specialists will be train with your actual cases and learn.

Teach you how to apply virtually the software functions in the terms of your technological processes and regularly maintained through remote access during all the period ofcooperation as our technical support.


  • Working in a single informational space
  • Multifunctional solutions for mining industries
  • Modularity and scalability
  • Industrial data base support
  • Expanding the functionality
  • Different levels of access to information
  • Support for various coordinate system
  • Integration with others informational systems
  • Logging user actions
  • Built-in library
  • Real-time changes when scaling
  • Technical support 24/7
  • Integration with systems for dispatch control
  • Preparation and printing geological and project documentation in accordance with the standards
  • Intuitive UI